Thursday, April 07, 2005

The "Curse" Of The Music Room ~ Scary..

It's official!! I'm addicted to drumming!! I just started learning it from a fren this monday and I've been going to da music room everyday during every of my free periods...which considering, there are many free periods dis week (due to no eng class)... I'm in a dilemma here coz the exams are coming up and I haven't started studying--Shit!--and I shouldn't be "wasting" my time jamming it up in the music room... OMG!

But drumming is so fun!! I totally LOVE it! It's my fav music instrument even though I can play the piano--rather lousy at it--Haha--You can feel the rhythm in your veins when you start drumming...which is juz plain wonderful! This has caused me to be late for my bio class today, so I had to go to a later one--which is bad coz my frenz weren't in it and i wasn't really clear about what the teacher was teaching--RNA or DNA?? Whatever...

I'm not very good at drumming at first...but managed to catch up after constant practice...which means no time spent studying-- Damn. I really dunno what to do... I really don't think I should neglect my studies like this but... I HAVE been feelling a lot more cheery and happy this whole week due to dis drumming addiction I seem to have here... I think it really lightens up my mood--which wasn't all dat good last few weeks... *Happy smile* :P

Anyway, it is also kinda like my crossover from a boring nerd (that's wat my fren say we are but I absolutely refused to believe it!! It's not true!!) to a 'cool' drummer... I'm also sad to say that I've been neglecting my frenz this whole week--except Lydia who has also gotten the "Curse" of the music room--her instrument of choice is diff every week--currently the electrical guitar, which i think is rather hard.. Will get stiff fingers after playing...

What I don't understand is that my fren doesn't seem to enjoy drumming and has absolutely refused to even try it! Well, to each of her own, I guess... But Drumming IS fun! Total Fun!

And this really cool girl who is a gifted musician--dunno her name--says that me and my frenz have been 'cursed' with da "Curse" of the music room when we were enjoying ourselves too much to leave for class--making us to late for it--Therefore, having to go for the later one. Arggh! I think what she said have some truth in it but it's not a curse la.

It's kinda like I'm rediscovering another part of my life again... I used to shun the piano but now I'm playing it everyday at home-- Miracles of Miracles! I think that music will alwiz remain a big part of my life--It alwiz has been but only in songs from other ppl--but now I'm making my own music--which is a lot more fun!

No Music~~No Life! Yay!! This is the only way to go!!

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