Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Looking Back On 2007

A New Year signifies a new beginning. Right?

Well, some things can't exactly be wiped off just like that but hey, if there's any time to start anew with a fresh optimistic attitude - why not now?

Since I was too lazy to write down a list of resolutions for 2007, I have none to refer too. Well at least that means I've 100% fulfilled my resolutions of nil. lol.

Anyway, 2007 was a year of changes for me.

(click on the links if you wanna know more)

In the first half of 2007, the effect of the first and second failure in med school was still haunting me. I was depressed and pessimistic. I went all soggy like a cardboard box that has been left out in the rain.

And till now I can't believe that I let such a little thing get me down and affect my entire outlook on life. Looking back, I feel like laughing at how stupid I was. One little failure doesn't mean anything! As long as you pull yourself back together, tackle the problem effectively, it goes away by itself.

What good is mopping around about it? It doesn't help at all.

Remember? Everything that goes up must go down again. We can't always be at the peak of success. It rolls down again someday. But no fear, if you work hard, you can slowly make your way back.

Anyhow, I got my wake up call around april in the form of an abrupt relatively harsh reprimand from a well-meaning fren. (and thank god for that! I dunno how long I wanted to be under that perpetual dark cloud)

Naturally I was upset at first and wrestling with inner demons is never an easy task but luckily I was able to see the sensibility of her arguements and finally, the sun dawned on my horizon and I came to my senses.

So all is good now. =)

In the later part of 2007, I learnt the happiness of working hard a tad more consistently and the happiness that comes when you get the results you justly deserved.

In 2007, I sat for my second very stressful major exam (aka EOS3) in med school and passed! So glad and thankful was I that day - that I finally understood the phrase "she shed tears of joy".

In 2007, I made a bunch of really good frenz in uni. They were there thru my ups and downs. They made me laugh. They comforted me when I was sad. I finally felt that I belonged.

In the early part of 2007, I finally got together with the bf. I learnt to compromise and forgive. It has been a happy blissful year, but try not to forget the unhappy tearful parts as those are the parts that make one look at oneself in a whole new light and make one a stronger person too.

In 2007, I was also exposed to the ugliness of human nature. I don't want to say more abt that but just wanna put it down as one of the turning points last year. (hmm feels weird to say last year huh?)

I guess thru all the ups and downs that I experienced last year (describing life as a roller coaster cudn't be more apt) I'd managed to survive it all, and maybe became a little bit stronger.

I think I shall put this looking-back post as a separate post. It's quite emo-ish already hehe. The celebratory and resolutions aspect shall be dealt with in another post alrighty.

Before I end the first post of the year, let me wish all my readers a Happy New Year and Welcome 2008!

I hope it will be another great year full of changes! ^v^


mg said...

happy new year!! =) have a great year ahead and all the best for sem 5 =)

Zzzyun said...

happy new year to you too! =) may you have a year full of blessings! best of luck in NZ okie!

LX said...

Sounds a bit wrong to leave this comment here, but wanna tell you that I think I am taking my friend's table instead. Cos she wants to give it to me for free. Sorry for the many appointments made then cancelled over and over again.


Happy new year to you!

Glad to have 'met' you in such a way, nonetheless :)

Zzzyun said...

oh i see. (well kinda weird to see sucha comment in this post tho haha) anyway, no probs.

i'll just hvta try to find someone else to buy my table. looks kinda hard to find! =(

anyway, glad to have "met" you too. via smses and blogs. lol.

happy new year! =)