Friday, October 13, 2006

Screwed Up

Have been wanting to update since monday but everything written in astrology mythology has been against me. *gazes at stars* Ok, nvm mind me crapping. Blek.

Anyway, haven't been feeling the best these few days at certain times (esp when I'm alone). Well, of coz, the obvious Q would be "Why"? And I shall tease no longer and reveal the reason..

Coz I bloody screwed up my exam last monday! :( :( :(

To be truthful, the general populace's opinion (which consist of very smart ppl, definitely excluding moi), summative 1 wasn't really really hard. I mean, if you've studied enough, you prob shld be able to answer most of the Qs.

And I tried my best to cover all at the last minute - leading me to severely deprive myself of sleep almost entirely the few nights b4 the exam - thus leading to me, feeling a bit blur and confused during the exam. Which of coz lead to my ultimate downfall.

I wasn't exactly feeling alright during the exam. It was like, there was this enourmous bulk of info swirling in my brain and I was trying really hard to retrieve the correct info. But I failed to do so miserably..

Okay, fine. To cut a long story short, I did really badly and there is a VERY good chance I'm going to FAIL. *frowns with super depressed face, complete with new wrinkles and all* I know I said this sort of stuff before, but this time it's true!

Coz I knew I got a lot of Qs wrong during the feedback session and I'm SO dead... *wails* I mean, there were quite a few Qs that I know the answers to, but I just couldn't "vomit" it out during the exam, and only suceeded in retrieving it after the exam. *Arggh*

I'm really disappointed with myself sometimes. Why can't I be more consistent in studying like some of my frenz? Coz I know that if I've been studying like how I should be, I'd be able to answer most of the Qs... seeing that I do know the answers to most Qs, except that I couldn't retreive the info due to the fact that I crammed too much info into my little brain in too short a time.

I know I could pull it off last time.. but I guess old age is catching up on me. It's telling me that sleep is important to the senile. :(

Dunno lah. *hands start creeping towards head, hair-pulling mechanism when frustrated might initiate*

This is a bitter lesson indeed. I really hope I have learnt my lesson. Pls do not play the fool and be serious about your studies, girl!!

I can be whiny at times, sorry ya. I need a place to rant, that's all. Anyway, thanks for listening to reading my whinings.

Signing off,

Girl, Disappointed.

FOCUS and CONSISTENCY is a virtue! There are no shortcuts to success. Hard work is the way! Go, girl!

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