Thursday, January 05, 2006

Are They From Hell?

Yeah, I can see you guys raising your eyebrows looking at this specially-titled post of mine. Ahem, coz before this, I have always refrain from using vulgarities in my posts titles. But then desperate events calls for desperate measures, right? lol.

Ok, if you really want to know what happened. I'll spin a yarn that happened since the beginning of time last year. *Pardon the dramatics...don't blame me, I'm just a born drama queen. :P*

Oops~ Digressed again. Anyway, the story starts with 2 guys and a spunky girl. That girl will be... *cough cough*! This 2 guys were some of the worst Pests on earth, but when you look at them, they looked totally normal... Which is bad.

Well, at the beginning of last year, Galileong wanted us to find groups that have a balance mixture of both sexes. (So typical of him ^_^) Me and my frenz were fretting, wondering who we should find (especially someone responsible), since at that time, we have not the opporturnity to mix with the guys yet. Then, these 2 guys approached us, asking whether they can join our groups. At that time, they looked quite respectable-looking so we thought What The Heck and said Okay.

Bad choice. Very bad choice.

They were Trouble from the beginning. And we weren't really allowed to drop them halfway wo. Arggh. Even worse, they were also on the same bio group as moi. Well, let me see what tricks did they pulled. Hmm...

  • They did not cooperate at all during practical sessions. Tell me about it. They completed their Form 5 but they DID NOT KNOW HOW TO DRAW GRAPHS!! Wtf is that?! In the end, I relented and let them have the rough draft of the graph to take home and photostat. Omg.
  • Even worse, one of the guys, which I shall hereby nickname Mutton was a total braggart. He would not do anything AT ALL *I'm serious okay!* during lab work, just giving a lame excuse saying that he doesn't know. I bet he doesn't know what his name is. -_-

  • They often pestered us with stupid Qs and when we finally gave up, and showed our frustrated faces not enuf practice yet :P), they tried to patch things up by saying how smart we were and blah blah. Wrong move..

  • It was so long ago and I forgot alot of the shit they did ade leh. I mean I can only vaguely rmb their faces, so no need to say about what they did ade lah.. But why shld I rmb them anyway? Really~ *flips hair while giving nonchalant look*

Ok, then there was the day where Mutton did something that was totally the last straw. It happened during bio class. He was there as usual, doing nothing. Yes, literally nothing, if you dun count breathing. Aikz.

I forgot what experiment we're doing that day but the fact remains was that the bio lecturer came over and examined it. His conclusion in the end was that it was wrong. Oh dear. And did u know what that bastard said?

He said and I quote: "Told you ade! Cannot do this way! Must do this way..!" *All the while making wild gestures that clearly showed that he knew nuts abt it. Arggh! *

He made me so angry (no laughing matter, mind you :P) and I swore I saw red and I shouted: Shut up!!

Are you guys totally stunned? Haha. But I'm not kidding. Serious. I really did that. I can't believe I did that either. :T

Anyhow, my frenz and the lecturer were stunned, but in the end, it just blew over. Thank God. At least, the lecturer knew that he was a total jerk anyway. Phew~

Oh ya, one of the outcomes of this incident was that Mutton never talked to me again. :D How nice~ In the end, both of them dropped out of coll after around the 1st semester. Boo~

Well, I guess I shld write this down as an episode where I finally defended myself! Yayz~

Lessons learnt by moi:

  1. I CAN and I WILL learn to fend for myself if the need arrises.
  2. I WON'T be taken advantage off so easily next time.
  3. Judging by appearances is not a really good yardstick. Blek~
  4. I think I've a short fuse. Guess I better keep it in check. :)

Erm, I can't think of any more crap. =P So why not talk about lesson learnt by you guys? Haha..

Lessons learnt by you guys:

  1. Some classmates are made in heaven, others: Hell [probably the deepest part--ya know, the 18th level? hehe...]
  2. Patience has its limits, don't push your luck.
  3. Don't mess with me *Pushes up sleeves of shirt* lol.

So I guess that's all for now. Hey, this post was great typing out! It lets me, erm, verbalize my inner anger at these jerks!! Haha. I guess my "inner child" is at peace now. :D

Don't bother. Psychology talk.


Anonymous said...

Hmm... something seems AWFULLY familiar with this entry...


Anonymous said...

ah, there're such ppl everywhere... whether u get picked as a victim or not is ur luck.
the guy sitting behind me in class was a person who tended to "inspect things from too many aspects" that he could come up with tonnes of questions. sometimes, i got too irritated and raised my voice. (yeah, i can be quite impatient...) n in the end, i felt so guilty... ;(

Zzzyun said...

suntzu> haha. u know what this post means. :P

kryptos> totally agreed~~!
I guess I'm am impatient person sometimes. but i DO feel guilty that i kinda raised my voice & showed my whatever face at whoever is it that is so unfortunate to evoke my wrath...


at least the guy sitting behind u was just "inquisitive", i was like, being used okay! aikz.

i'm writing this off as experience though. :P