Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Bit Of Guilt

Now I understand what it feels like when it's Parents Day and you have to go to school without your parents.

Anyway, what I meant was the terrible feeling of being isolated while everyone is standing around laughing away with their parents, teachers and fellow classmates.

Nah, there's no Parents Day here in uni, as if... -_- We're a bit too old for that, aren't we?

It's just that it was a long weekend last week, plus the fact we didn't have classes on friday, so naturally a lot of ppl opted to balik kampung or even better, their family came to visit them. How nice.

Me? I spent the friday in Redbox and watched the play with the phantom in it. (Ya, the very same one that scared ppl off speechlessly in the opera house) Ha. The weekend was spent albeitly quite enjoyably with frenz.

But still.

Shld I have gone home? I really dunno...

I'm not blaming my parents. They are too busy to come to see me. Dad has to attend to his patients everyday, and holidays are few and far in between for him. Which is a pity coz I think he deserves so much more. I must make sure he really enjoys life after he retires!! ^_^ Mum is busy with my [crazy, naughty] siblings and the housework.

Hmm. They really are busy. So maybe I shld have been the one to go home? *Sniffs* Oh, well.

Anyway, my parents asked me to balik for at least a few days during study break but I said no... I am just too lazy to endure the at least 5 hour journey home to and fro.. and I've gotten used to living on my own (getting very independent now, are we?)... plus the very real fact that I'll procastinate even more [didn't know that was possible] back in my home sweet home. And that isn't good for someone like me.

I really need to pass this exam. Or else it's bye bye medical school for me. *Sigh* And I really shouldn't be aiming for a pass only.. Isn't that a bit unacceptable after how much my parents paid for my education and I just scrapped thru with a mere pass? (If I can pass that is...) Especially when I know I can do so much better if I just care enough to try harder?

Yes, I really shld start rethinking my priorities. Well, at least there's no internet access during study break~ *Groans: How am I going to survive??* so, procastination levels shld be lowered significantly, I guess. Read a poster somewhere that students will be not be allowed to access the network during study breaks and holidays.

I mean, I understand about the holidays' thingy, but not everyone goes home during study break okay~~ Besides, what if I wanted to get some lecture notes or something?? (Okay, maybe that's not very possible but still...)

Okay, shouldn't be blogging so much ade.. It's back to hitting the books... and falling asleep in the library.. Blek.

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