Ok, not going to say much here, except I'm typing this using my brand-new laptop leh!! Cool~
It just came a few hours ago but I feel frustrated ade. Why? Coz the opening ceremony of my notebook shld be done by no other than its true owner -- ME!! But unfortuntely it was not. Sigh.
My siblings are really the limit. Each was hounding the other on whose turn to use it. But did they think of me? No!! :(
Of coz, you're wondering why I'm so docile nice to let them use it. Well, it's all becoz of a "decree" given by my dad. :( I'm suppposed to let them use leh. What the "toot". Sorry, obscene words are not allowed in this blog. They'll be censored to preserve your innonence. :P
Nevermind me crapping.
Anyway, I prevailed of coz [What else is there to do anyway??] and now I'm finally able to use my laptop in peace. Why? Coz it's late (for them who are schooling) and I'm the only one awake. O.o My parents are going to wake me up early tmr, right? Die.
Oops, almost digressed. Well, just to tell you a lil' abt my laptop. The model is Dell's Inspiron 630m. Ya, I think almost everyone buying a new laptop is getting this model. :( Why everything I buy (as in gadgets) are so common one?? First it was my handphone, now it's my laptop. *Gashes teeth*
I really value my uniqueness leh... Sigh. But what to do. Good offers means everyone who's looking for a bargain will go for it lo. Must quickly earn more money. *Rubs hands and thinks of money* :P
Well, the outer casing is really nice. But I'm not getting used to the screen being soooo wide yet. And some of the websites look really different leh. My blog too. :( But nvm that. I'll get used to it sooner or later, I guess. Hopefully. =D
Since it's from Dell, that means a lot of programs don't come with it, making it rather troublesome. I'm still trying to download lots of stuff, so anyone out there, pls make a few recommendations on what I shld download. (PLS!! Thx ya!) I'm rather absent-minded, you see.
Okla, quite late ade. And I feel sleepy ade and my back kinda hurts from too much crouching in my sleep over the laptop. :P Till tmr! Bye~ :D
Try lying on the floor in front of your laptop, along with lots of pillows, lol.
That's what I did anyway.
Lots of people buy that model because it is light, cheap, attractive, but still packs a punch.
I'd bet they'll buy a Dell XPS ar Dell Precision laptop if they had the budget
Haha. No wonder you always fall asleep in front of the laptop. :P
I wish I've a bigger budget. Bargains la, everyone also have one. Sigh...
yeah.. i've found that using a laptop makes one back hurts.. (rmbr my backache? it worsen wif my using the laptop too much.)
and junlin, i was alwiz wondering how u can zz infront of laptop. now i noe. LOL. but... won't the elbows be tired from propping up ur body all the time?
LOL...I just started using it like a lot, and now i get it why ppl can fall asleep in front of the laptop. :P
Coz I nearly did that too, just that someone nudged me at that untimely moment. :P
Btw, I'm using it on my bed leh, easier to fall asleep lo. :D
Yeah, backaches are a main symptom of using laptops. Haha.
Lydia and Zi Yun>
Hehe, better learn a thing or two about ergonomics before you folks break something.
Read up on when you finally get off your PS2.
Who said anything about elbow? I was resting my weight on all those pillows, especially the one under my chin :p
Anyway, I was just too lazy/tired to crawl back to bed, hehe.
Zi Yun>
When I fall asleep in front of the laptop, its not always on a pile of pillows. Could be just my desk at hostel. ;)
Sorry for deleting that post. Made a mistake in some HTML codes
Haha. wont break anything yet la, not that old right?
oic...so the desk would be quite hard? aiyo~ really la you.
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