Thursday, September 01, 2005

Literary Greats~blek~

Lousy Eng Results--> I got my ESL paper back today.

Aiyo..why like this? My eng all the way was pretty good one leh. (Ahem Ahem) but now I'm pretty sure it will plummet like HELL..

Dun even think abt my ranking summore...O.o... Omg!

How ah my trial results?? Eng is a subject that will definitely be taken into account. So charm d la... All because of us having a new lecturer marking our papers la... And Ranjit assured us that HE'll be marking our papers one... Huff! Why did he lied to us? [actually maybe not his fault la... but we'll never know..sigh*]

The prob is not with the lecturer {i hope la...but...but..} but the fact remains is that both lecturers have totally different teaching methods so we of coz produced diff work...which might not be to the lecturers' satisfaction. haih. However, the part that I lost the most marks is completely up to the lecturers' discretion...

So what can I say? And leela also quoted her as saying: She (the lecturer in question) has marked all the papers "carefully"... So cannot ask for extra marks!! Wah... so undemocratic one??

Besides in my opinion, I dun think that she really so "carefully" mark those papers since she practically scribbled the marks like hell... I can't even differentiate 1 & a half with 1/2 leh... Careful writing I see... Yeah Right~

And when I went 2 ask leela [she's in charge of totalling] she instead counted less 2 marks *I tot there shld be two more eh...!* so she said that angeline already gave me extra 2 marks --Where G0T??-- so I shld keep my mouth shut...

Since I did not want to lose any more marks. I did what she said. Kept my mouth shut and went back 2 my seat. Argghhh... She better dun tell us off abt our handwriting or it'd totally be a case of the pot calling the kettle black... Huh!

Anyway...that was that. Couldn't do anything abt it. We had no say in it. *I tot Msia is a democratic nation?* I heard a rumour that she can only be back by next fri. not sure real or not. Sorry, unable 2 verify it. My sources are limited currently.

Whatever. I'm so over it. =(

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