Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Story of How We Got Our Results


Once upon a time, there was a girl who had...

Shaky cold clammy hands, increased sensible perspiration, hyperventilation, increased heart rate, higher blood pressure which are the symptoms of ----> ?


The answer is simple. And one doesn't need any medical knowledge to answer it too. Hehe.

It is the signs and symptoms I get prior to getting our summative 1 results... Haha. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating (Yes, I AM) but still I was kinda nervous since I fully knew that I didn't do well for it, and I was deadly scared that I'll fail.

Yes, me - failing?

Hardly the prettiest picture. But nvm.

Anyway, I decided that what will come, will come. So didn't worry that much until the few moments of truth just prior to taking the results.

The Process:-

Waiting in a looooong line outside AAD (Academic Affairs Department) with much anxious whispering, silent wails, happy whoops rebounding around us. Me & the girls were just discussing how we're SO going to die when we get our results... :'(

Wails: I don't wanna die!!

Ah, don't bother about me. Just crapping. lol.

Anyway, we went ahead and got the results after much waiting and anxious whisperings (mainly from moi as I'm scared that I'm gonna fail).

In denial~No, this is not happenning to me, I'll not fail~!

Whatever. Forgive me pls, I'm not in my right mind..


Me and the girls decided to get the results and open it together. I was the first to got it open (funny way to tear that paper)...and lo behold!

I DID NOT FAIL!!! *Whoop of joy*

Yayz! All that senseless worry for nothing! :D

Well, to tell the truth, actually, deep deep very very very very deep down, I did have a tiny inkling that probably I'll not fail - with consideration to the feedback session - but I definitely wasn't expecting the A minus I got.

I tot that I'll probably just pass lah... [Yes, I'm serious, for once.] I guess that whoever marked my paper was lenient lah! Thank god!

Now, I must work harder for the next summative and EOS1!! *Gasps* Must focus and procastinate less!!!!

These are my new signs and symptoms = Heart rate back to normal, lower blood pressure (BP) levels, only insensible perspiration etc etc.

Okla, will not bore you guys with the details lah. lol.

Anyway, I'm pretty satisfied with my results lah. Sometimes, it's best not to have too high expectations...well, for now.

I heard that only about 150 something ppl passed leh. That means about 70 smtg ppl failed? That's rather high, isn't it? Wow, I really must be thankful.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the story of how we, the enthusiastic sem 1s (with moi being the main character in this story, hehe) went to get our results... Tada~!


Anonymous said...

You remind me of Lin Hui, just before the HSC results are out, lol.

She was worrying so much (and I spent quite some effort trying to cheer her up). But in the end things turned out ok.

No, it was FAR better than ok, lol.'

Lesson learnt:
Some people are so pessimistic to the point that they undervalue themselves (severely)

Anonymous said...

congrats! now that u can heave a sigh of relief, it's my turn to sit for the mid-term exam in two weeks' time!!!


Zzzyun said...

suntzu> I'm usually not pessimistic, just that it was my first uni exam and i was pretty unsure of how the way they marked the papers ma...

Summore I felt that compared to alot of ppl, I didn't prepare well enough to qualify for an A or smtg ma.. :|

Zzzyun said...

kryptos> Haha. although i can heave a sigh of relief (for now), I have ANOTHER exam in a month's time..and after that, my end of semester exam leh... T_T

Anyway, good luck on ur mid-year test lah! I'm sure you can do it!! :D Gambate~!