Yayz! Tomorrow I'm going out to watch Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire (!!!) with a bunch of my high sch frenz! I miss them so much! [Are you guys reading this? Hehe...] I just can't wait coz I haven't seen them for months ade! Everyone's been busy with their own stuff.
Ok-ok, moi also. =)
Sometimes I wonder is it true that "distance makes the heart grown fonder"? Maybe. I do miss them so.
It's quite nostalgic to think of the 'good old times' that we had together. Especially when I open my 'ji nian che' (literal translation would be Memory Book which is quite strange but you get the gist la).
Wah. I sound so elderly. Like some old woman talking about her long gone youth leh. Keke...
Well, I must say, there's something wrong with the sms reservation ticket service for GSC. Damnit. My fren must have sms-ed countless times but no reply. Ish..! In the end, got the phone number from a fren. Eh, if the sms service cannot use, don't advertise la! -_- Whatever.
Btw, recently, besides onlin-ing, I've taken to playing my PS2. All the new games are either damaged (alwiz hang one!) or I can't find where to go next. Blek~
So I had to resort to rummaging thru my old games. I managed to find one that looked fairly interesting. It was quite ok, except for one thing. Cannot use the analog stick for movement leh!!
Must use the old-type of arrow buttons to move the character. And it's so damn difficult ya know! Arghh..
But after some time, I kinda of got used to it. But Jeesh. How old is this game anyway? =(
I think its:
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder"
Anyway, you sure your analog stick is intact? omg... even PSone games put the analog sticks to good use
Nvm la, call it parody lo..keke..
sure, my anolog stick is intact coz can i use it to play the other games. must be crazy of the gamemakers to use the arrow buttons. arggh...
when u start reminiscing about the good old days, it's a sure sign that you're getting old. Haha! Old lady! Blek! well, if that's true, i'm old too cos i reminisce quite often.
Haha...maybe i'm getting old too..haha..
but I think maybe it's becoz the frenz that we make in high sch are the ppl that will have the biggest impact in our lives. u won't really understand yet, until u leave high sch. Yeah.
The good old days~ I wish i could relive them again.
We're not older!
We're just wiser~
Hehehe... :D
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